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June 29, 2006


Gavin Heaton

Hey ... this looks like BSP -- but with premonition involved. You are spooky.


Well... that's just the way it is, really. Imagine how I felt when I read David's BSP post! Re-read the comments.  ; )


Is it OK that I wish you HAPPY 1 year on this post...your first post...instead of your 1 year later post?

Instead of a time machine to go forward, can we use it to go back? If I were to go back I would visit you with my "Hi CK!" sign and give it to you. You would look at me as tho' I'd lost my mind and I'd just say..."one day soon enough, you'll need this--you'll know when to give it back to me."

Happy 1 Year. Next year let's have the party on the moon, eh?


Thank you so much. You just made me travel through time (back to this very first post) and space (well, as you know). Either time nor space matter, right! What matters is that... "what is meant to happen, simply happens". If we don't control time (yet), sharing it with heart definitely brings smiles on faces. : )

karlo sostaric

contact with Luc Debaisieux

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