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September 19, 2006


Ann Handley

Nice! Those spheres often overlap one another though, don't they?

Just as a blogger can jump from one circle to another, the spheres themselves can also overlap to create new and subtle twists to the meaning. In my mind, for example, "Networking" and "Knowledge" are closely linked.

David Armano


You are everywhere! I think you have clones.

Luc, I really like the visual. And this might be your style. It's pretty unique. Ann makes a good point, there are probably overlaps—but nevertheless, it's a nice tidy way of looking at different motivators.

However, I'm not sure blogging is in the middle. It's almost invisible throughout. More like the vehicle that gets us to that fulfullment of whatever it is that drives us. Maybe that it what is in the core. Satisfaction. (Though are we ever really satisfied?)




Thank you for your comment. Well, this is a first draft visual. Yes, those spheres definitely overlap one another. I tried to illustrate that by the background light grey shadow of each sphere, but it obviously isn't clear enough. And I agree with you the categories within the spheres also interact. I'll try to apply this idea to the visual.


Glad you like it. Indeed... blogging should not be in the middle, but probably more invisible and around.

Claudio Iacovelli

I created a personal blog in order to serve the marketing public, and to collect best experiences and professional practices.

I don't look for "success", I will generate a blog to support a marketing think-tank.

The blog discussion should help professionals to know several points of view, and to get innovative ideas.

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