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December 28, 2006



This is beautiful my alien friend -- thank you. Gavin, like you and so many others we're blessed to know -- is a cherished angel in this community.

I only alerted everyone because I found out by fluke since Gav was not posting at his usual blog...any of us would have told one another. My thanks again and your kind words here and on Noel's blog have helped.

Ann Handley

Very nice post, and wonderful sentiment, MB.


You initiated an incredible boost of positive energy that will/did certainly reach Noel, Gavin his friends and family. I'm honored to be connected... merci, merci beaucoup.

Thank you for your kind words. : )

Sharon Sarmiento

Luc, thanks so much for passing this sad news along.

I noticed Gavin hadn't posted to SOC for a while, but I did see him commenting on various blogs and never would have guessed that he's going through such a terrible time right now.

Thanks for sharing this. I'll definitely share my warm wishes with him at the guest book.



Hi Sharon,
Thank you for your message. It's a good thing that CK pointed this to our attention. Would have been even more sad not to know. Great to read you'll contribute to the positive thoughts sent to Noel, Gavin and his family.

Marcus Brown

Hi There. Thanks for popping over. Best wishes to you from Munich.

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