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January 04, 2007



Luc! Thanks so much for posting about this. You're spreading an inspirational happening that is making a positive improvement for the homeless, and thus, all of French society.

I have a feeling that these red tents might start to spring up in other parts of the world as posts spread through the blogosphere.

I agree. It is up to us the make these positive changes. After all, this is OUR world. Though often it's too easy to distract ourselves from this fact.



You're right this might spread the idea in other parts of the world.

Changing our world positively? Yes! : )


What an amazing post...you continue to inspire. Thank you for writing about this, explaining it to us and giving such sage advice while hitting home an empowering message.

I love 'right moment, right means, right place' and the pictures you include are truly transporting.

I'm so glad I learned of your blog in '06 my alien friend.


I just don't know what to say.
Thank you, really.

gianandrea facchini

this is a great article on a great initiative. if you have additional information or link, i'd like to explore them and know more.
i believe that we all need to fell more human touch and not to be always revenue driven.



Thank you for your comment. You're right about the "human touch" vs "revenue driven".
: )

Here are a few more links (of course, this is not a complete press review)... just more echo-links from around the world.



The Independant (UK)


Borsa Italiana (Italy)


Seatle Times (USA)


Daily News (South Africa)


Gulf Times (Quatar)


Iran Daily (Iran)


Buenos Aires Herald (Brasil)

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