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January 04, 2007


Niti Bhan

Oh Hooray! I can comment, and all I wish to say is GREAT visual... thanks!


Welcome back, Niti... and thank you for your comment. : )

Sandy Renshaw

Love the Z-Mutations graphic - very cool! I knew about the W-List, but not the others.

Thanks for the mention.


Sean Howard

Nice wrap up!

Hadn't heard of wiffiti.

One of my friends in the blogosphere (a well known top 100 blogger) called me and was jokingly a little peeved as my technorati almost rivaled her due to this z-list meme. Was a blast of a ride. And I found so many cool blogs out of it.

Love the D list. lol.

gianandrea facchini

mindblob, your site is so cute. great contents and great visuals. congrats.


thanks for the mention, mindblob...
and as i mentioned on Beyond Madison Avenue,
if anyone wants their own (free) wiffiti screen on their blog, I'd be happy to set you all up. It's browser-based, so you just need to link to it. feel free to leave a comment on BMA or shoot me an email.


Love your title for the post. Very creative :-)
I too have come across some interesting and useful blogs through Z-Mutations!

Thank you


Thank you all... this post was just a drop into the Z-Waters. ; )

Ray Edwards

I gotta tell you, man...I love your graphic stuff. You're really gifted. Plus yours is the only blog I know of with the word "magma" in its tagline!


Keep up the good work.

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