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May 01, 2007


Mack Collier

Luc can't wait to read your chapter. I agree it's going to be very interesting to see our takes on similar subjects.

Connie Reece

I'm gradually getting around to visiting the blogs of all the contributors -- and my "travels" are building my anticipation to see the final product and how my chapter will fit in. I look forward to reading "The Dawn of Shared Consciousness."

Becky Carroll

Luc, thanks for keeping the buzz going about the ebook. It will be interesting to see how the chapters fit together; I already have some ideas of where there may be some synergies from the posts I have read today. Looking forward to seeing the finished product and how it flows!

Steve Roesler


Like Connie, I'm trying to visit all of the contributors' blogs...

What I've found is that it has added to the excitement of seeing the finished product which, no doubt, will reflect a Shared Consciousness.

Valeria Maltoni


This chapter and title really speak to me. I bet you that the first 100 purchasers of the eBook will be all of us. And that is the true spirit of this collaboration.


If we were to talk about "post-test" I'd go for "qualitative" on this book.

Connie, Steve,
Thank you! And you're right... many great blog to discover. I'm looking forward to reading your chapters as well.

Thank you for your comment. There will definitely be lots of synergies and anticipating that makes the idea of reading this e-book even more exciting.

LOL! The first time I read this thought... although I also thought about it! ; )

Lewis Green


Thank you for keeping The Age of Conversation in front of your readers.

The Dead Artist

good day my favourite alien. Done any long boarding recently?

Gavin Heaton

While there are many similar topics, it is fascinating to see how micro focused the chapters can be ... it is going to be a fanstastic collaborative publication! Thanks for being part of it, Luc.


Thank YOU for launching this project. I just can't wait to read it, really. And I trust you're right. Micro focused in a "macro shared consciousness"... maybe? ; )

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