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June 15, 2007


Roger von Oech


What a great story. Sounds like you made the most of your short trip to NYC. I really liked the video — I felt as though I was on the ride with you. I'm glad to got to get your Ball of Whacks, and see FAO Schwarz and MOMA Design Store to boot!

Best wishes!



You were on the ride with me. ; )
I'm glad you liked the video. Next time you get to NYC, give it a try... I'm sure you'll love it!

Lewis Green


You can tell a good story with incredible skill. Way to go, my friend. Thank you for sharing.

Pieter Ardinois


great story telling!
I like the halleluja moment.


many things:

-- you will let me have a copy of the picture of you with the BoW. It's a perfect shot of perfect you with your perfect prize.

-- Roger's blog gives us new eyes...especially since he comes at life from such an inquisitive point.

-- In fact while many people look up the moon can be seen through looking down (recently learned that).

-- You are quite a storyteller. Giving us just enough "show" with your "tell". So glad you indeed saw so much in your short stay. And now it's time to come back.


Thank you for the compliment. Glad you liked the story.

Hey Pieter,
Thank you for your comment. LOL! Well, I just couldn't resist that little cliché. Media often helps me express what I feel. YouTube is such a great communication tool.

-- Picture is sent.
-- Roger is a great guy. I wanted to encourage people to check his blog.
-- The moon? Looking down? Love it! ; )
-- Come back? Anytime!

Gavin Heaton

Hey Luc ... excellent story ... you know I have one of Roger's Balls of Whacks on my desk at work -- and I love showing it to new people. Actually they are DRAWN to it. They feel it, push, press ... and then it explodes! I love the reactions.


Awesome story! It sounds like one of my friends who hunted down the BAPE store in NYC. I find it really neat how certain things can have different inspirations for people.


Thank you for your comment. Pleased you liked the story. As a matter of fact, finding a BoW originally was like a mission to me. FAO Schwartz actually "popped" me out of it for a few minutes (or hours... I don't remember). And I must admit I really enjoyed that surprise.

Hey Gavin,
Yeaaaah! So I was not the only one to have a "Ball of Whacks explosion"? Roger should add a little sticker on the box : "Handle with care, DO NOT DROP and DO NOT PRESS". ; )

Valeria Maltoni

I'm loving this take a walk on the wild side story. And still savoring your wonderful chocolates.

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