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June 20, 2007


Lewis Green

Rock on! Yeah! Crank it up! I want to work with these guys. Do they outsource to old rockers like me.

Great post Luc.

Valeria Maltoni

Shake it up, baby. What a neat idea to get the energy level back up and to redefine the fun in karaoke.

Sean Howard

Uh oh. I want to work there.

Don't tell anyone at my agency!!! ;)

Roger von Oech

Yeah, right up there with the opening six minutes of Robert Altman's "The Player."

Katie Chatfield

Hooray- that's awesome!

Tim Jackson

That is totally the same as where I work! Every Friday! If you remove the fun, the booze, the singing, the camera work and the laughter... it's totally the same.

Hmm... where do I send my resume?


They must do. Worth giving it a try, right!

Also a good redefinition of PR and HR. I think this is really smart!

OK, let's go there man! (PS : don't tell anyone either, ok?) ; )

Excellent reference! Didn't think of that one. Wasn't this song also in "American Pie"?

Hi Kathy,
Yeeehaaaa! Glad you liked it. Pleased you tracked it! Now let's just dub it! ; )

LOL ! ! ! That one is just got me ROFL ! ! !
Yeah... feel the same about it buddy! Clicking on "send resume" as well.


you know iPod singing is better!


Hey Marcus,

I just discovered the ipod challenge (thanks Gavin!). You are quite a singer, Mister! So is Sacrum (sending warmness to him!). Love the idea. Too bad I'm really missing time. But I keep it in mind.
; )

Name Withheld

Why am I the only one who sees a bunch of smug, white twits?

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