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July 07, 2007



I just love that picture...it shows so much hope, and light. Yes, let's keep our hearts on this very angle. I think we can align value and values--and I know we're all sure trying.

Thanks for giving my day a lift (as always). I just value you...and your heartfelt values.

Valeria Maltoni


I saw an article in the New York Times a couple of days ago: "With a Big Day Ahead, Marketers are Turning to Numerology" [http://tinyurl.com/yqweje ].

And about Live Earth, LighterFootstep.com just published an article about "Five Things that are Worse Than Global Warming" [http://tinyurl.com/2ubdxz ].


Luc — You've made a really important distinction. Too many people forget their heart in deciding priorities and making decisions.

The heart is all important when it comes to taking care of planet Earth -- our home (and the only one we have). Thanks for the reminder!

Lewis Green


I believe social media can be an outlet for good. No matter our subject matter, we can include words that inspire, motivate and teach others how to do and how to be good. With bloggers such as you, how can we fail?


Hey... YOU are already ACTING that way. One drop at a time, big waves will move and change the world, I'm convinced about it.

Thanks for the links. Definitely mind challenging. So many things to do for our planet, hé!

Thank you. I agree with you. When many of us "think" about it, I'm sure there must be ways to actually "do" something about it.

I'm blushing, really. But you know I really seriously wish we could find ways to actually make things change for good. Social media IS a key even if we have not found (yet) how to make it THE KEY on the important issues that surround us. Utopian maybe, but isn't it worth trying?

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