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September 18, 2007


Valeria Maltoni


I was sitting here with a bowl full of popcorn (without diacetyl) to settle down and read your 100 reason to blog... You make it sound so simple ;-) Resistance will be futile in view of such evidence.


LOL! I imagine your surprise (and I hope not disappointment). Isn't the very first step (jump) the most important? ; )

Lewis Green

Man, I was about to rave on anyone who can come up with 100 reasons to do anything and then ask why they would want to. (Obviously, I'm not a big fan of 101 reasons to...) I love your surprise.


Hey Lewis... Glad you liked it. As a matter of fact, I'm not a big fan of the "how to lists" either. So I tried to keep it simple.

David Reich

Congratulations on reaching 100. I like your 100 reasons, too.


Can't imagine the 'sphere without you...can you believe you made it to 100 posts? Remember how daunting the first one was? 1000 thank you's for all you've done for me; you really are a true friend.


Good job! Interesting blog.

jen_chan, writer SureFireWealth.com

Blogging is so much fun. You get to meet people with similar ideals as well as people who will try and argue with you. That's a bit fun as well as long as things don't get so annoying. Plus, there's always the opportunity to discover something new about others and appreciate what we have all along as well!

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