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September 28, 2007


Herman Najoli

Great ad. Smart marketing. Good work by BMW. I was looking for a seatbelt on the back seat. Hilarious!

Arun Rajagopal

Luc - Star is one of my favourite commercials. The idea of giving a free ride to an artist to express his/her vision of a brand through his/her art is amazing. Imagine the implications if brands actually started doing 'consumer-created advertising' as a part of their normal marketing strategy. Getting a genuine 'consumer/user' to express his affinity for a brand by doing something creative or entertaining would be the ultimate leap. On the digital front, I'd like you to check out http://whatinspiresyou.nokia-asia.com/ - great way to showcase mobifilms - would definitely love to hear your thoughts on the same!


Hi Herman,

Yes... that film is absolutely breathtaking. Viewer jumps from the feeling of driving the car to the feeling of the passenger. Both comedians and director must have been in phase to achieve this film!

Hey Arun,

I love the idea of letting an artist express his/her vision of a brand. Thanks for the Nokia example... it is insightful and shows that some brands are already ahead in this direction.

Then, I see a difference between "confirmed" artists and "young talents". If the second may appear to be more risky, IMHO it has more chances to inspire an "open minded and creative" image to its consumers. Last but not least, giving the opportunity to "any consumer" to express their vision of a brand leads to even more... proximity. And of course, the challenge being to find the most appropriate way to do it.

Gavin Heaton

I thought these were great ... but probably ahead of their time. I have a feeling that these could be re-run now to even greater impact.

I think you hit the most important point up front. The brief. Sure, have free reign -- but it is still essential to channel your creativity towards an outcome.

Valeria Maltoni

The folks at Fallon Worldwide had tremendous vision and contributed to launching a new movie star -- I do think Owen would make a great Bond! I have a copy of the DVD containing all the 8 shorts as distributed at Fast Company's last Real Time where Fallon spoke about the concept and the execution. Believe it or not, I've watched it numerous times. The frame with Madonna rolling off the car and the collective gasp is priceless!

I'm with Gavin -- creativity is great when it contributes to the right conversation.

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