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March 11, 2009


Gavin Heaton

I love this! Not only is it cool, the music is fantastic. And you are right (of course), Yamaha should be all over this. What a great way of promoting a new instrument!


I'm guessing they'll sooner stick one in a movie with Lindsay Lohan (you know one of those, little-ms-always-wanted-to-be-a-star-gets-discovered-in-last-scene movies.)Then we can wait to find out from Martin Lindstrom how many we bought as a result.

Luc Debaisieux

Glad you liked it. This is probably the most amazing thing about internet. Getting to know extraordinary people like this. This should bring a unique motivation for brands to be listening and a lot more engaging with their consumers.

Thank you for your comment. Lol! Yes... that's indeed "a" way. Not too sure about building anything durable in terms of consumer relationship that way, though.

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