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June 17, 2009


Gavin Heaton

You know, just the other day a memory popped into my head - "hello, this is Belgium calling". Makes me think that these mind connections do not fade so quickly ;)

Luc Debaisieux

They don't Gavin. I can "see" in your post that the wave length is still open to sharing fabulous human vibrations. : )

Ricardo Bueno

Hey Luc,

It's been a while... I saw you pop up over on twitter and thought I'd wander on over. I can't tell you how incredibly relaxing this video was to watch! Just sayin'...

Luc Debaisieux

Hi Ricardo,
Thank you for your comment. Fresh films like that have an oxygenating effect on me too.


any and all sorts of the types of daily connections we happily find inexplicably immune to the restraints and boredom of humanly-imposed necessitation for any at all sort of type of the explanations we commonly find dull. and trite.


Luc Debaisieux

@larri : thank you for your comment.
"... emotional landscapes, they puzzle me, then the riddle gets solved..."


Love the retort! You've definitely got style....

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