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May 14, 2010



Hey Luc,

Great blog, thanks for popping by Social Wizz too. There's a wealth of awesome information here..


Luc Debaisieux

Hey Praz,
Thank YOU! And I will come back to your blog as well. : )

Umberto's Light Bulb

"When I hear about social media, it seems we always have to be connected... Why should we spend our lives in front of computers or mobiles?"

In my opinion we don't have to spend our lives in front of computers or mobiles... we have to live a balanced life... still that my laptop and my mobile connect me to thousand people around the world that give me smiles, idea, news,...

"When you share something on Twitter, like a picture, a link or a quote... does it make you feel better or greater?"

Yes a bit... especially if my link, quote,ecc can be usefull for someone or if can give some emotion to one


Luc Debaisieux

Thanks for your comment, Umberto. You're right it's all about sharing and learning.
: )

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