“Hello, my name is Joseph... before singing my song, I’d like to play a little beat-box for you”...
“Nouvelle Star” is a French reality television show based on the British television series Pop Idol. You might have heard about this show under other names, as it has become an international franchise : American Idol (USA), Australian Idol (Australia), Canadian Idol (Canada), etc.
Now, besides the mainstream casting (straight in the briefing), many of you have probably already seen some of the hilarious (wider) casting collected around the planet. Although it may be pathetic to see “not so good performers" jump on stage unprepared (to the real “reality”) and yet so serious about it, I must admit it is almost impossible not to laugh while discovering some "particular talents”.
Talking about new singers, it’s probably a 360° panel of various objective and subjective elements including : singing performance, look, acting, charisma, dance, style, eye contact, etc.
This year, Joseph a 21 year old candidate from the long list, created a great surprise with an unexpected approach to the casting. Before singing, he jumped outside of the regular path and gently proposed a "DIFFERENT" and very special "PRODUCT" to the jury. As it was not expected, the jury accepted to listen and, boy... they didn’t regret it!
Now just take a closer look at this young man... as I think there is indeed a message to read between the lines. Look at his eyes and imagine what he felt while performing his beat-box. He knows he is probably not the guy who will convince while dancing, that maybe singing would bring him to the same level as all the contenders, that people are obviously more attracted by a super-cute blonde bimbo girl, soprano, vibrat-O-matic, blah, blah... ; )
Yet, he goes for it. His look is sharp, he is probably scared, he screens the jury, then he closes his eyes, dives into deep concentration and gives the best he can with passion and... yes, great talent. Jury is simply fascinated... they can’t believe what they see. A Capella, live, no trick, no microphone... wow! Result & translation: when Joseph wanted to go on... “Ok... now... here is my song”, they stopped him and said:
“We don’t care about the song, Joseph... you just qualified for the competition! Respect! Congratulations!”
In order to score... if you have TALENT (or a very good product), try to find the best POSITIONING (target and reach the right audience, be pertinent). DIFFERENTIATION or making your product unique (incomparable), will open doors... IF your FOCUS helps you serve a great PERFORMANCE (deliver quality).
Even if he doesn’t reach the finals... it doesn’t matter, because Joseph did indeed find a brilliant way to get noticed. Congratulations Joseph! Just go for it!
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